Naturopathy is a highly effective system of medicine that uses a variety of natural remedies including healing foods, nutritional supplements, herbal extracts and homeopathic remedies to help the body heal and restore optimal health.
Herbology is a traditional medicine practice that has been used through much of human history which is based on the use of whole plants or plant extracts to promote wellness.
Homeopathy is a powerful remedy that has been around for over 200 years. Homeopathy is one of the most popular forms of alternative medicine around the world, and is the leading alternate medicine used throughout Europe.
Iridology is an alternative medicine technique that can spot imbalances in the body through a careful examination of the iris. Your eyes are a unique window to health, each part corresponds to a zone of your body much like meridians in Chinese medicine.
Our goal as your holistic doctor is to help you get your health back and keep it forever. We will teach you lifestyle perfection and dietary proficiency so that you will have no further medical expenses and live a happy and healthy life.
We can help you get your health back from many conditions chronic and acute. We can also help you prevent conditions through correct choices and lifestyle after treatment or regardless of conditions if you just want to maintain your wellbeing. So…YES we can help you!
Remedies for all aches, pains and ailments
Natural solutions for women in all stages of life.
Safer options for keeping your kids healthy.
Remake your plate with The Perfect Plant Based Plate.
Our body replaces itself very efficiently unless under stress. The biggest stressors are: bad food choices, toxin exposure, alcohol, emotional burdens, lack of exercise, EMF to name a few. A clean, strong system boosts our immunity. A strong immune system is our chance to a healthy, long, illness free life.
Poor circulation in the legs (tingles, heat, swelling), heart problems. I was overmedicated and felt miserable. Zero energy. Dr Sara already helped my wife very well, so I gave it a try too. My wife and I went full immersion into Dr Sara recommendations. It took a few months but I regained sensation in my legs. I followed her plant based food recommendations, I modified my lifestyle. I walk now daily and lightly exercise with no effort and no pain…Stick to Dr Sara and you will get results.
Steve M.
“I have suffered a long time with diabetes type 2. Medication kept me ill and diabetic. With Dr. Sara’s help I was able to to get off diabetic medication in 6 weeks, I was also followed my GP who couldn’t believe my improvement. I kept following Dr Sara directions for 6 months total. I’m a new person, I feel great, follow a healthy lifestyle, I look younger (I lost so much weight!), I cook healthy and love the new foods. Thank you Dr Sara!”
Emily S.
“I had a mild stroke some years ago. High blood pressure, high cholesterol. Dr Sara explained to me how what we do in life affects us deeply. She changed the way I ate (I discovered plant based foods!), she put me on the right supplements but only for a short time. After 2 months my cholesterol dropped 20 points! I was able to stop statins and bp medication. I highly recommend Dr Sara.”
Georgia S.
I have been struggling with Chron’s Disease for the past decade of my life. A colleague of mine
also with digestive issues referred me to Dr. Sara. Having tried several practitioners already
with very little results I wasn’t expecting much but I also never tried natural medicine before.
The whole experience was so different! Natural, holistic doctors actually take their clients to
heart. Dr. Sara followed me closely, made a very personalized protocol for me addressing the
problem from all its aspects. She also is very knowledgeable with digestive inflammation. I
would recommend to go see Dr. Sara if suffering from Chron’s or anything like it. I was so much
better after only 4 weeks! Four weeks after a decade of suffering.
Dave P.
Cancer and lifestyle, toxins and food. Who would have know these things are so closely
connected. After I was diagnosed with the bad disease I decided I would do all I could to get
well. Chemo therapy was awful, made me so weak, so unwell. I wanted more. I found Dr. Sara
on the web, filled out the health history and got a email a few days later for a free session. I
was hooked, she was so kind and loving. She explained the natural point of view to health. We
started an integrative/holistic plan to address this bad disease in all its aspects. Gave me my
strength back, gave my own immunity the boost necessary to fight. It’s been 2 years since I
was diagnosed and my markers are so far normal. To integrate the allopathic ways with the
natural is what worked for me. Thank you Dr. Sara.
Alice S.
Compulsive eating, what a struggle. On a diet / off a diet almost all my life. I hated being
overweight but I also hated dieting. Dr. Sara didn’t put me on a diet! She pinpointed the
triggers of my eternal yo-yo dieting by getting to know my lifestyle, emotions, habits, foods. I
started her virtual reality training for compulsive eating, so far I’m really liking it, totally different
experience, truly awesome. There is so much more to losing weight than just dieting. I lost
48lbs quickly (2 months and 3 weeks), never hungry, never craving, so satisfied always. It’s
been 18 months now and I’m at my perfect weight and maintaining. Many factors play into
weight loss as Dr. Sara will explain.
Sebastian K.
I suffered with severe digestive issues since I was a teenager. Food intolerances, gas,
abdominal pain, frequent bathroom visits. I heard about Dr. Sara and her successes with
several digestive issues. So I filled the health history form and set up the free consultation. I
liked her and hired her. She changed my foods immediately based on my individuality and
symptoms. She also taught me how to self test for food intolerances. I felt better almost
immediately (I think it was 4 weeks). She followed me closely daily responding to my texts the
same day when I needed to address a symptom. What other doctor does this? Now I follow my
individualized plan, she made for me by finding out my triggers and specific reactions. We
worked also on my immunity so I can eat freely many things I wasn’t able to eat before. I feel